Le presenti CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI CONTRATTO si applicano a qualsiasi contratto di vendita concluso con A. COSTANTINO & C. S.P.A e/o comunque a qualsiasi proposta di vendita formulata dal VENDITORE, la sua accettazione e/o comunque a qualsiasi proposta di acquisto ricevuta dal VENDITORE, come definiti nel documento scaricabile di seguito.
Sales made by A. COSTANTINO & C. S.P.A. (hereinafter COSTANTINO or SELLER) are governed without exception by the following terms and conditions of sale. Whatever the case, it is explicitly understood that no terms and conditions of sale imposed by the BUYER (as defined below), if any, shall apply to dealings between COSTANTINO and the BUYER; consequently, any such terms and conditions cannot be enforced on COSTANTINO, and the BUYER thus hereby agrees to abstain from making or taking any claim, demand and/or action in connection with them. The following terms and conditions of sale also govern any sale proposal formulated by the SELLER, its acceptance and/or any purchase proposal received from the SELLER, as defined in the document below.